Symphony of Science – A Wave of Reason

«A Wave of Reason» es el séptimo vídeo de la serie de vídeos musicales de Symphony of Science utilizando la técnica de «auto-tune» para convertir en canciones las frases de grandes pensadores de la actualidad para así lograr lo que a mí sinceramente me parece una forma muy creativa y atractiva de difundir sus ideas. Este video en particular, intenta promover el razonamiento científico y escepticismo en contraste con el creciente número de intentos pseudocientíficos tales como la astrología o la homeopatía, y también para promover la visión científica del mundo como una forma de verlo tan enriquecedora como la religión. Aparecen Carl Sagan, Bertrand Russell, Sam Harris, Michael Shermer, Lawrence Krauss, Carolyn Porco, Richard Dawkins, Richard Feynman, Phil Plait, y James Randi. Iré publicando más de estos vídeos durante los próximos días, o si prefieren pueden encontrarlos en

Letra (resalto en negro mis frases favoritas):

When you are studying any matter
Or considering any philosophy
Ask yourself only: what are the facts,
And what is the truth that the facts bear out

Science is more than a body of knowledge
It’s a way of thinking

A way of skeptically interrogating the universe

If we are not able to ask skeptical questions
To be skeptical of those in authority
Then we’re up for grabs

In all of science we’re looking for a balance
between data and theory

You don’t have to delude yourself
With Iron age fairy tales

The same spiritual fulfillment
That people find in religion
Can be found in science
By coming to know, if you will, the mind of God

The real world, as it actually is,
Is not evil, it’s remarkable

And the way to understand the physical world
is to use science

There is a new wave of reason
Sweeping across America, Britain, Europe, Australia
South America, the Middle East and Africa
There is a new wave of reason
Where superstition had a firm hold

Teach a man to reason
And he’ll think for a lifetime

Cosmology brings us face to face with the deepest mysteries
With questions that were once treated only
in religion and myth

The desire to be connected with the cosmos
Reflects a profound reality
But we are connected; not in the trivial ways
That Astrology promises, but in the deepest ways

I can’t believe the special stories that have been made up
About our relationship to the universe at large
Look at what’s out there; it isn’t in proportion

Never let yourself be diverted
By what you wish to believe
But look only and surely
At what are the facts

Enjoy the fantasy, the fun, the stories
But make sure that there’s a clear sharp line

Drawn on the floor
To do otherwise is to embrace madness

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